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Top #5 Time management tips

for IIT JEE preparation

IIT-JEE preparation requires a balance of hard work and smart work. Utilizing time effectively is very important. This can help you to absorb the concepts of various subjects and this way you can ensure that all the concepts are firmly registered in your mind. 

Effective time management is not only important during the preparation phase, but also important while taking the exam. The key to crack your IIT-JEE exam is to answer more questions correctly and reduce the negative marks. 

Here are the top #5 tips for managing time efficiently. It is important to reduce the wastage of time and approach preparations in a well-planned manner to maximize the efficiency of your IIT-JEE preparation. 

1. Draft a timetable 

The IIT-JEE exam has a vast syllabus, hence it is important for you to practice and revise regularly. To do this, you must draft a timetable before you start, your JEE preparation. Consider prioritizing subjects or concepts that are difficult to understand. For example, if you find Physics a little difficult spend 2 hours exclusively on this subject to improve your understanding and ability to solve problems. This way you can improve your performance in the subjects that are difficult for you and add in more proficiency in the subjects you are already good at. 

2. Use different revision methods 

When you start your IIT preparation consider adopting different techniques of revising to not get bored. For example, you can follow educational channels that focus on explaining different methods which one can use to solve a problem, watch short educational videos on the topics that you are currently studying, create small flash cards or solve quizzes etc. This will help you to save time and make your revision quick and interesting. 

3. Use different time management techniques 

Consider using different time management techniques before you start your JEE preparation as this can help you to manage your time effectively. One such technique is the Pomodoro Technique; here you can divide your study time into intervals, typically around 25 minutes, and then take a break of 5 minutes. After completing 4 such intervals take a longer break of 15-20 minutesWhether you’re studying Physics, Chemistry, or Math, this technique will surely help you boost your productivity and confidence! 

4. Take help from Experts 

Taking help from experts when you are preparing for such nationallevel entrance exams like IIT-JEE will always be beneficial for you, as you are provided with simple tricks and tips to keep in mind when you start your IIT preparation, like how to manage your time efficiently along with your 12th std board exams, etc. We at Takshlia Institute can help you with this and you will get the opportunity to learn from experts who are IITians and leading gold medalist themselves. They will provide you with real-time problems of the industry and also explain to you how you can solve them. This in turn will help you boost your confidence. 

5. Set goals and switch topics simultaneously 

Formulate a schedule for your IIT preparation and keep in mind the amount of time you spend on a particular subject. For example, allocating more than three hours to one subject can be mentally exhausting, but studying multiple subjects for a short period of time will be more effective. For instance, if a student has been studying physics for more than three hours. This can get boring which results in losing interest. Instead, focus on each subject on a rotation basis, this way your interest levels can be maintained. 


When you are preparing for such competitive entrance exams there is a big to do list that has to be followed, along with your 12th standard board exams in such cases it is natural to feel overloaded and frustrated with a lot of tasks. We at Takshila Institute provide you with the best coaching facility for your IIT-JEE exam and we also prioritize student self-care as we provide you 1 to 1 counselling session with our experts who can guide you, as to how you can manage your time, we offer you flexible time management when it comes to attending your classes and have exclusive classes for doubt clearing session. This way we can help you dedicate an equal amount of time to your studies and for your personal time. Schedule your free demo now with our academic counsellor to learn more.